Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I'm back!

Sorry about the long absence. There's good news on the horizon! But Mom won't let me tell you what it is until the deal is done. Also, she just finished another draft of Jemma Hartman, Camper Extraordinare. I read it, and I must say that it is absolutely amazing! For anyone who goes to camp, you know what I mean when I say that she really captures the true feeling and love of camp. Speaking about camp, when I was there, my friend was reading Julia's Kitchen to my other friend. I started cracking up when I walked into the cabin and saw them BAWLING while reading it. It wasn't just a lump in the throat or a tear rolling down the cheek. It was full out sobbing and moaning. When I told my mom, she was so happy that people could be touched by the book as much as my friends were. Good job to Mom!

1 comment:

Jenny Meyerhoff said...

Welcome back Sammy and Faith! I must say I've shed many a tear over Julia's Kitchen. But crying over a book is such a satisfying kind of crying.