Tuesday, November 10, 2009

You've Written a First Draft. Now What?

You've finally done it. You've finished your novel! It's amazing. You actually wrote an entire story from start to finish. It's brilliant. It's original. It's a masterpiece. It will certainly go to auction and become a bestseller and get you on Oprah.

No? That's not how it works?

But why not, you cry!

Because, you have to revise. Every successful author revises. And as overwhelming as that might seem, there are ways to wrap your brain around the process. There are tricks. There are things that work and things that don't. There are ways to get lost in the revision, spending years changing things without making any real progress, and there are ways to revise purposefully and powerfully.

To learn how to revise like a pro, please come to The Book Stall in Winnetka, Wednesday, November 11 at 7 pm. I'll be giving away all my secrets.

I hope to see you there!


Laura Ruby said...

Hey, Brenda! I have lots of Maria Tatar's books on fairy tales. How was the online class?

Brenda said...

So far very interesting! I'm enjoying re-reading all these fairy tales. It's sparking all kinds of memories of reading them as a child.