Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Blogging BY Mom

In case you hadn't noticed, the whole "Blogging for Mom" experiment sort of faded away. Faith and Sammy got busy with their own lives, and you can't really blame them for not wanting to write about mine. After all, middle-schoolers have much more interesting lives than grownups (generally speaking). I guess that's why I like to write for that age group!

So I'm going to try my hand at this blogging thing. It might be fun. It might be a wonderful way to procrastinate - oops, I mean stimulate - my creative writing. Speaking of which, I'm working on a new novel. It's very top secret. I haven't even told my kids what it's about yet. I will say it's for young adults, and it's intense. But that's all the info I'm giving out.

In other writing news, I finished the line-editing on my second novel, JEMMA HARTMAN, CAMPER EXTRAORDINAIRE. Yippee! It will be out in spring, 2009. And I've signed the contract for my very first picture book. More on that later.

Gotta go make dinner!

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