Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My True Love

I consider myself to be a disciplined person. Most days I am good about putting my butt in the chair, opening up my work-in-progress, and getting something accomplished. It doesn't matter how little that "something" is. As long as I'm taking baby steps toward my big goal, I'm satisified.

But today was not one of those days. Today I spent my two hours of writing time playing on-line Scrabble with my hubby. (He is beating me, by the way.)

I felt a little guilty about wasting my time like that. But then I questioned why I considered that wasting time. Alan is in Barcelona this week for business, and with the time difference, it's been tough. So this afternoon, when he was supposed to be catching up on e-mails before a late dinner, and I was supposed to be writing before the kids got home from school, we had a chance to reconnect and have fun together.

I am married to my best friend. We started going out when we were 19. (He actually had bottom braces when I first met him!) We were just kids, really. And man, have we been lucky! We grew together. We have a fantastic marriage, better than I ever dreamed possible. Our relationship isn't some kind of perfect fairy tale. It's real, with ups and downs, good days and bad. But truthfully, I fall more in love with him with each passing year.

So I don't care that I didn't write today. I can do that tomorrow.

Happy Valentine's Day, Bud! (It's already V-Day in Barcelona.)
And Happy Valentine's Day to all of you, too. Tell someone you love them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoy online Scrabble too... but only when I have work to do! ;-)

I wanted to contact you about potentially reviewing our products on your blog, or even a link exchange.

Feel free to contact us through the contact form on our website if you're interested.
