Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Random Acts of Kindness Update

I am loving the response people are having to my idea to celebrate the publication of The Yuckiest, Stinkiest, Best Valentine Ever with random acts of kindness. I hope it keeps growing!

Here are just a few things that people have already done:

Faith spent time at a no-kill shelter, giving love to the dogs and cats there.

Sabrina and Kenny gave a ride to an elderly co-worker who was required to take a 5-hour class 90 minutes away. They drove her there, spent the day walking the beach, having lunch, and seeing a movie, then drove her home. If not for doing that favor, they wouldn't have had such a lovely day together with no distractions. 

Christine took a chunk of cash from her most recent paycheck, stuck it in an envelope, and anonymously gave it to a friend who she knew could really use the money. 

Michele cleaned out her closets and gave clothes away to Goodwill. She also distributed food at Yad Ezra with her temple. 

I've heard from lots of other people, too, who practice random acts of kindness as a regular part of their life. I've often donated money to charity, given away things I no longer need, and given my time and energy to those less fortunate, but I'm approaching this month in a different way, hoping to surprise people who wouldn't normally expect charity or help. Like the other day in the drive-thru at Starbucks, I paid for the order for the car behind me and told the cashier to tell them it was a random act of kindness, and they should feel free to pass it on. And at the library, I paid the late fine for a family who had racked up a pretty big one. In both cases, I slipped away before the recipients could see me. I love the idea of them being surprised by this random generosity. The world needs more of that, don't you think? 

If you're looking for a way to participate, check out this site for random acts of kindness ideas. And please share with me what you're doing. Thanks for spreading the joy and love!

1 comment:

Sheila said...

I love this whole idea! The hard part is deciding what to do and how to keep it anonymous. I
m thinking . . .